Ciudad Juarez fue sede de uno de los Festivales de deportes de Aventura que año con año han ido atrayendo mas gente. El 8 de agosto fue un dia en el que se pudieron apreciar diferentes modalidades de deportes y en el cual le dieron un espacio al Sandboarding, lo que si pude mirar fue el nivel que traen varios riders, ya que fueron de Nuevo leon, Sonora y bastantes de Chihuahua.
Desde el Sabado por la mañana me reuni con algunos riders ya conocidos por ustedes, como Paloma de hermosillo, Javo de Chihuahua, Gil y Mayra de Nuevo Leon para ir al evento, que en este caso quedaba como a 2o minutos de la ciudad. Cuando llegamos al festival apenas estaban armando todo, pero se podia ver gente que estuvo acampando desde un dia antes y que traian sus tablas como Adrian rider local y algunos otros que al vernos se mostraron entusiasmados por el Sandboarding, como se esperaba todos teniamos ganas de ir a deslizarnos por lo que comenzamos una larga caminada para llegar ala duna mas grande y dejenme decirles si era una larga caminada, ya veran en las fotos como quede..............................................

In the city of Juarez was one of the adventure sports festival that year after year have attracted more people. In august 8 was a day where you can observe differents sports and which gave a space to Sandboarding, so i was looking the good level that brought several riders in the event, they were from Nuevo Leon, Sonora and many from Chihuahua.
Since Saturday morning i met some riders to go to the event ,already know to you as Paloma from hermosillo, Javo of Chihuahua, Gil and Mayra from Nuevo Leon, which in this case the event was 20 minutes from the city. When we arrived to the festival were just putting everything, but you can see people who were camping a day before and they had their sandboards as Adrian a local rider and some other people where excited to see us with our Sandboards, as expected i wanted to go to slide so we started a long way to get the bigger dune and let me tell you it was a longgggggggggggg wayyyyyyyyyyyy, you will see you in the pic´s...................
Since Saturday morning i met some riders to go to the event ,already know to you as Paloma from hermosillo, Javo of Chihuahua, Gil and Mayra from Nuevo Leon, which in this case the event was 20 minutes from the city. When we arrived to the festival were just putting everything, but you can see people who were camping a day before and they had their sandboards as Adrian a local rider and some other people where excited to see us with our Sandboards, as expected i wanted to go to slide so we started a long way to get the bigger dune and let me tell you it was a longgggggggggggg wayyyyyyyyyyyy, you will see you in the pic´s...................
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