Esten preparados para este Sabado 17 de octubre para este evento que se esta haciendo para que disfruten de las dunas, la playa y los djs que van a estar tocando, va ser todo el dia no se va a cobrar por asistir a el, asi que ya saben vayanse alistando, para los que no saben donde queda el golfo de santa clara, queda como casi a una hora de San Luis, pero si viven lejos y planean venir ponganse en contacto y hacemos planes para irnos al evento, hagan todo lo posible por ir y nos estamos viendo por alla.
He be ready to go to this event on octuber 17, it is making to you enjoy the dunes, the beach and the Djs who will play their music, it will be all the day and you don´t have to pay is a free event. if you don´t know how you can go to Golfo, it is near to San Luis, but just contact us and we can make plans to go together to the event. so prepare everything and i will see you there.
He be ready to go to this event on octuber 17, it is making to you enjoy the dunes, the beach and the Djs who will play their music, it will be all the day and you don´t have to pay is a free event. if you don´t know how you can go to Golfo, it is near to San Luis, but just contact us and we can make plans to go together to the event. so prepare everything and i will see you there.
2 comentarios:
Y las fotos del Sand Fest?
ya estan por subir, lo que pasa es que terminando de editar el video, para subir todo completo
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